This is a simple easy recipe of tomato spinach, and strata breakfast


Nonstick cooking splash

4 cups cubed entire grain bread

1 pound asparagus, managed and cut into 1-inch pieces

1 cup slashed onion

2 cups new child spinach

6 eggs

1 cup without fat milk

½ teaspoon ocean salt or fit salt

½ teaspoon newly ground dark pepper

2 plum tomatoes, meagerly cut ½ cup decreased fat feta cheddar

1/4 cup cut new basil


Cover a 2-quart rectangular baking dish with cooking shower. Organize half of the bread solid shapes in the pre-arranged baking dish.

In a covered medium pot, cook asparagus and onion in a limited quantity of bubbling water for 2 to 3 minutes or just until delicate; mix in spinach. Quickly channel well. Spoon half of the asparagus combination over bread in baking dish. Top with the leftover bread 3D shapes and the excess asparagus blend. Put away.

In a huge bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. Pour equally over blend in baking dish. With the rear of a huge spoon, delicately push down layers. Organize tomato cuts on top. Top with feta cheddar and basil. Cover with foil, refrigerate for 4 to 24 hours.

Preheat broiler to 325 degrees F. Heat, covered, for 30 minutes. Reveal; heat around 40 minutes more or until focus registers 180 degrees F when tried with a moment read thermometer (there will be some fluid left in focus that will be retained during standing). Let stand on a wire rack for 10 minutes prior to serving.
